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FAQ’s How to apply

When are application forms available for year 7

Enrolment process for year 7 entry starts when the child starts year 6. Applications are only available from September until the end of October.


Do you enrol students for year 8 & 9

Occasionally we have one or two vacancies for students wishing to start in year 8 or year 9. Parents interested in putting their child on the waiting list should send us the latest school report in January. Such correspondence should be addressed to the ‘Admissions Department’.


Do you enrol students for year 10 & 11

No, we do not enrol any students in years 10 and 11.


Do you enrol over 16 students?

Yes, enrolment process for post 16 students starts in February until the end of March. We call all applicants for an interview in April.


What courses are available for over 16 students?

We enrol over 16 students onto our Alimiyyah course. Along with this, students can enrol on A-level and BTEC courses which are delivered on Jamiah premises by Preston College. Please refer to the ‘Courses’ section for more information. We do not enrol over 16 students onto our Hifdh course.


Am I guaranteed a place once I submit my application form?

Once we receive an application form we invite all applicants for an interview. Only after the interview, Jamiah will confirm by writing whether your son has been given a place.


Should I apply at another institute or school?

Unfortunately, Jamiah has limited places available and receives applications far in excess of what we can cater for. Hence we always advise parents to apply at other institutes to avoid disappointment.


Do you enrol students from abroad?

No, Jamiah no longer enrolls students from abroad.

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