Admission of new students will involve the completion of an application form and support documents are needed to confirm age, identity and previous academic progress.
Currently, over one third of Jamia students are residential at Jamia boarding facilities and benefit from the structure and wider opportunities that this offers. Residential students of adult age may be required to provide written references and obtain satisfactory CRB clearance.
Jamiah boarding accommodation has been purpose built and there is a programme of constant improvement. Boarders share a room with a small group of other similarly aged boys, and there are facilities for washing, keeping valuables and cleaning and ironing clothes.
A medical room is available for students and materials for first aid are available. A doctor is available for students for medical matters and to listen to concerns in a confidential capacity. All residential students will be registered with the local G.P. for this purpose.
Boarders are given an induction when admitted to Jamia; a leaflet explaining all the procedures and assistance available is given to each boarder. Senior students are available to assist all boarders; they will listen to problems and report any concerns directly to the principal.
Our boarders often form strong friendships with those with whom they share a room; we emphasise and hope to foster a feeling of mutual respect, where boarders appreciate the needs and privacy of others and develop a sense of companionship with those in their room.
Each boarder is permitted to go home, or to a relativehome, each fortnight.
All other home visits need the prior permission of the principal. As a result of the huge demand for boarding, only students who have homes outside of Blackburn are currently able to reside at Jamia.