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Nazra & Hifdh



Introduction to Nazra

Nazra is the term given to looking into and reciting the Quran. Prior to the student enrolment, an interview is taken so that students’ levels prior to enrolment can be ascertained and students can be matched to the right course.

Within the nazra class, students are taught Tajweed with correct pronunciation of the the Arabic text. Furthermore, students will memorise the 30th Juz of the Holy Quran.

The Nazra course lasts for one year although students may progress faster.

Introduction to Hifdh

Hifdh-ul-Quran is the memorising of the Holy Quran. We at Jamiah, have many experienced teachers to maintain the high standards that we expect of ourselves.

Initially, students will be placed on the ‘Pathway to Hifdh’ course where their suitability and aptitude is assessed over the course of the year. Students may progress further onto the Hifdh course or otherwise directed towards the Alimiyyah course.

Typically, students who progress onto the Hifdh course complete the memorisation of the Holy Quran in 3 years.

Jamiah has a unique structure in the Hifdh course promoting excellence, high standards and a healthy competition between students. There is regular feedback to parents via quarterly reports.

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