Jamiah past papers 4th year
The papers for all 3 units of the 4th year of Alim course 2016-2017 are attached in their relevant units for student revision.
Unit A
Hidayah (Kitabut Taharah) (Islamic Jurisprudence)
Hidayah (Kitabus Zakaat) (Islamic Jurisprudence)
Riyad-us-Saliheen (Prophetic Traditions)
Muqaddamatul Jazriyyah (Tajweed Poems)
Unit B
Hidayah (Kitabus Salaah) (Islamic Jurisprudence)
Hidayah (Kitabul Hajj) (Islamic Jurisprudence)
al-Adab al-Mufrad (Prophetic Traditions)
Unit C
Hidayah (Kitabuz Sawm) (Islamic Jurisprudence)
Hidayah (Kitabul Hajj) (Islamic Jurisprudence)